On Request and Appointment Only!!
Mudra Yoga Workshop
3 people minimum
2.5 hours
The Buddhist deities embody hand mudras for purity, power, wisdom. We begin our practice of Mudra Yoga with the meaning and significance of each finger. Applying the appropriate gesture can heal the organs, tissues, bones, and nerves of the body. We go on to consider the full body positions of the deities as mudra, emulating the iconography in movement, breath, and stillness. The practice of deity yoga supports an appreciation of the inner beauty of the body and cultivates understanding of our personal mudras as unique expression. The workshop also includes teaching on the stages of karma mudra, dharma mudra, and sahaja sundari mudra, which culminate in the realization of Mahamudra.No experience necessary. Suggested donation $50.To register call
503-807 5252 or email dancemandal@gmail.com
Wisdom way of Movement Workshop
3 people minimum
2.5 hours
The sacred dance of the priests of Nepal is a dynamic yogic discipline for healing and transformation. The dance movements and meditative elements effect profound changes of mind and body. The goals of the dance are yogic mastery of the body, refinement of the emotions, and deepened spiritual awareness. This workshop introduces the theory of the movement style and accompanying visualizations and chants. Participants will be guided through basic movements and dance sequences of this yogic dance form. This workshop is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in healing arts, sacred movement, meditation, Buddhism, or Asian practices and performance traditions.No experience necessary. Suggested donation $50.
To register call 503-807 5252 or email dancemandal@gmail.com
Deity Practice Intensive
Green Tara, White Tara, Vajrayogini, Manjusri, Lokeswor, and more
This intensive workshop is to learn the full dance of specified deity/deities requested by a teacher and/or sponsoring sangha. Participants learn the nature, the Sanskrit song with English translation, gestures and movement of a Bodhisattva, Dakini, or Buddha, such as Avalokiteshvara, Green Tara, Vajrayogini, Vajrapani, etc. The iconography significance of the mudras , the implements, color, and ornaments is discussed and meditated on and the energy level, nature and expression of inner qualities are practiced through the dance. The healing power, Awaken energy with mudra, exercises, preliminary dances, and the Charya Dance . Enjoy the inspiration of Dharma talks, night rituals in temple, These complete dances can be for anyone of any physical capability Requesting with calling or writing email 503-807-5252 dancemandal@gmail.com.
No experience necessary.
Time: minimum of 7 hours over several days(weekend) or more days
This could be happen any place in world
Children’s Class
5 people minimum
For 5–12 year-olds
Children will learn discipline though the movements, elements & nature within their own mind and body. They will be guided through basic excericises and sacred dances. The goals of the dance along with the accompanying singing and chants are to learn about the body, symbolism, and the values of the Buddhadharma. Join this Sunday. Donation only.
CHARYA NRITYA RITUAL as PERFORMANCE – Sacred dance ritual performances are either danced solo (e.g. the dance of Avalokiteshvara) , as a partner dance (e.g.Hevajra and Nairatmya) or in groups (e.g. the dance of the 5 Transcendant Buddhas). A full performance can be with only one performer or with a combination of solo and group dances. Performances can be in any space and have been held in museums, school auditoriums, dharma centers, churches, yoga studios, performing arts theaters, and home shrine rooms.
Classes, Workshops, and Lectures
WEEKLY MOVEMENT CLASSES – Introductory classes on sacred movement and meditation taught by Prajwal Vajracharya Other regular weekly adult classes and children’s classes are also held in Portland throughout the year. Other instructors from Dance Mandal are also available for regular classes or tutoring in America, Europe, and Asia (see Contact page).
for yogic healing and mind transformation – The sacred dance of the priests of Nepal is a dynamic yogic discipline whose movements and meditative elements effect profound changes of mind and body. The goals of the dance are yogic mastery of the body, refinement of the emotions, and deepened spiritual awareness. This workshop introduces the theory of the movement style and accompanying visualizations and chants. Participants will be guided through basic movements and dance sequences that allow them to experience first-hand the subtle transformative power of this graceful, yogic dance form. It is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in healing arts, sacred movement, meditation, Buddhism, or Asian practices and performance traditions. Prajwal holds monthly [first Saturday] workshops in Portland. He and other Dance Mandal instructors are available for workshops presently in Asia, the Americas, and Europe (see Contact page).
LECTURES – Prajwal Vajracharya and other instructors give lectures on a variety of topics, such as yogic body movement, healing movement, feet and hand mudras and their iconographic significance, sacred rituals of the Newar tradition, and, dance traditions of Nepal.
We offer tours of the Nritya Mandala Temple and the Vihara on request.
*Singing Charya Giti: the songs of Charya Dance are a sadhana of deity yoga practice in simple Sanskrit.. Anyone interested in learning these songs and about the singing tradition please contact us.
*If anybody is interested in private Charya Nritya dance class please contact Prajwal.
Daily Ritual and Meditation – To keep the sanctity of the temple, a traditional ritual with meditation is performed daily- Weekdays 8am to 9am, and Weekends 9am to 10am. Open for observing or meditation at this time.