
Dear Community

we hope you are happy, healthy and order to do our part in reducing the impact of the corona virus. We are doing all the classes, practices on Zoom

Upcoming Events

Teaching On Vasundhara

Mantra and Dharani Chant

Sadhana Practice

Three Months Course On Foundation  

All on Zoom PDX Time


Teaching on Vasundhara

Host by Hong Kong sangha

Jan 23 Saturday 2021 at 6:45-8pm

  1. The cultural aspects of Nepal’s Vasudhāra.
  2. The mandala of Vasudhāra
  3. The meaning of the mudras of the Vajra Dance of Vasudhāra.
  4. Appreciation of the precious “Vasudhāra” paubha painting

Among the many Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, the wisdom of Manjusri, the compassion of Guanyin, the great aspirations of Ksitigarbha, and the great deeds of Samantabhadra demonstrate the abundance of life. Buddhism advocates cultivating wisdom as well as blessing. A female bodhisattva who symbolizes wealth (including material and spiritual) and the spouse of Jambhala (the God of Wealth). The Chinese society calls her the ” Wealth of Mother Buddha” and the Bodhisattva of the World. The chant is “Stream of Gems”Dharani. She is called Vasudhāra in Nepal today. Her portrait has three faces and six arms, holding different dharma objects in her hands and possessing different abilities. Vasudhāra is like the mother who bred the earth and cultivated our hearts. She is also a bodhisattva with great compassion.


Mantra, Dharani and Sutra Chanting (Free)

Every Tuesday at 6:30pm


Dharani literature has existed for over two millennia in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Widespread around the world and especially in the Nepalese Buddhist community, Dharanis are typically used to prevent misfortune, remove obstacles, heal and protect. Dharanis are also used in life cycle rituals and other practices. 

To keep this practice alive, we are going to practice every Tuesday at 6:30pm, please come and join us. It’s free.

 Portland time. Please join 10 minutes before.

Here is the  zoom link
Meeting ID: 816 7524 3031
Passcode: 328871


Sadhana Practice

Every Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm

if you are interested on Dharma talk and Sadhana please contact for free link , no need experience

if you are interested  Sadhana and meditation.

(only for the practitioner)  

Meeting ID: 815 4342 0523
Passcode: 887230

Three Months Course On Foundation

Every Saturday Feb 20th -April 24th 2021

more info on the way







WITH  APPOINTMENT  ONLY, 3 PEOPLE REQUESTED The sacred dance of the priests of Nepal is a dynamic yogic discipline for healing and transformation. The dance movements and meditative elements effect profound changes of mind and body. The goals of the dance are yogic mastery of the body, refinement of the emotions, and deepened spiritual awareness. This workshop introduces the theory of the movement style and accompanying visualizations and chants. Participants will be guided through basic movements and dance sequences of this yogic dance form including Refuge Prayer Dance. This workshop is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in healing arts, sacred movement, meditation, Buddhism, or Asian practices and performance traditions.Teacher: Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya No experience necessary Suggested donation each $50



Mudra yoga  workshop

Emphasizes spiritual yoga through subtle movement. Through the fluidity of movement, breath, and stillness, we can experience the internal energies of our subtle bodies. Mudra Yoga leads to the understanding of our own individual Mudras and culminates in realization of Mahamudra (enlightenment). It will guide you with movement, gestures and positions from lineage of deity yoga, which is for refinement of the emotions, and deepened body and spiritual awareness.

No experience needed for either workshop

Teacher: Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya Suggested donation for Mudra yoga and each Meditation workshop  each $50.00 More information Or call 503-807-5252


Singing Charya Giti: the songs of Charya Dance are a sadhana of deity yoga practice in simple Sanskrit.. Anyone interested in learing these songs and about the singing tradition please contact us.

If anybody is interested in private Charya Nritya dance class please contact Prajwal

Daily Ritual and Meditation

To keep the sanctity of the temple, a traditional ritual with meditation is performed daily- Weekdays 8am to 9am, and Weekends 9am to 10am. Open for observing or meditation at this time.